The German Working Class; Doctors, Restaurateurs, Railroad Operators (aka, Far R-W Extremists), et al., Led by Farmers & Joined by Polish Truckers Are Rising Up

 Révolte générale

Farmers' Action Week
By Oliver Rast
source:Junge Welt

You are angry, you speed up: farmers. Average week of action since dawn on Monday. Nationwide, decentralized, the same spectacle: tractor drivers block motorway entrances, provoke endless traffic jams, columns of tractors move through city centers, occupy central squares, strikingly demonstrate: "We are here!" Plus a lot of symbolic things on the edges of fields, green wooden crosses, sometimes gallows with dangling cardboard traffic lights. In a sense, a beacon of rebellion, perhaps uprising. Or elegantly French: Révolte générale.

“Agricultural diesel” and “green license plate” are just one thing: a trigger, not a cause, for anger and trouble. 500 years after the Bundschuh movement, the farming world is once again turned upside down. A primal conflict that stirs primal fear. Villages encircle cities, a kind of land grab, only the other way around; that's how it feels. For those who profit from the status quo, for a liberal-minded, but in any case well-off, big-city clientele with an eco-loving lifestyle.

And it has armed itself with ammunition and is sending forward its mood and opinion makers: the quality writers from Süddeutscher ZeitungTaz and Mirror. From the ambush of their editorial desks, they shoot from all genres, miming the journalistic snipers of the war and poverty lights. The seasonal internal enemy of the state is marked: those who have gone out of control, those who have gone wild; no longer with pitchforks and scythes, but with heavily motorized horsepower monsters. The tenor: The mobilization of the farmers threatens to become “hostile to democracy,” and individual forms of action are leaving the constitutional basis. And at their core, rural plebs are reactionary, infiltrated by proto-fascists.

Green politicians, including supporters from other factions, quickly advocated staying away from the protests. Precisely because the right-wingers and Nazis took part and were in charge. A logic that impresses. If this was followed, the mandated people's enlighteners would have to vacate their parliamentary seats. After all, they oil the parliamentary business by sitting together with right-wingers and Nazis. But here and there it is important not to give them the field. An alternative idea: Instead of the farmers' action week, a "We're fed up" demo on January 20th in Berlin. So (also) stroll with “olive green” frontline organizations (NGOs) and eco-capitalist corporations (Alnatura, Demeter) along with their anthroposophical superstructure. Because of me.

It's true, Rabatz and Radau are dirty, they don't follow a script or a drawing board model, and they sometimes take on a life of their own. In many places the (radical) left is already on the sidelines, on the sidelines. That has to change. Some are fighting for territory and have rushed ahead. For example, the initiators of “Green Trades” of the libertarian grassroots union FAU. Great class position, respect! Because they suspect (like me) that the rebellious outcry is not a spontaneous flight of sparks that quickly burns out again. Industry by industry is seized; perhaps up to: Révolte générale.


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