Vetting Pathocracy: US Sen. Bernard Sanders

 Pathocracy meaning

Pathocracy is a system of government created by a small pathological minority that takes control over a society of normal people. This concept was first introduced by Andrew Lobaczewski, a Polish psychologist, in his book “Political Ponerology: A Science on the Nature of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes”.

Characteristics of Pathocracy

Pathocracy is characterized by a government that is controlled by individuals with personality disorders, particularly psychopathy. These individuals use their power to manipulate and control others, often through deceit, coercion, and violence. As a result, the government becomes a tool for the pathological minority to maintain their power and control over the majority of the population.

Key Features

  • Government by people with personality disorders: Pathocracy is characterized by a government controlled by individuals with personality disorders, particularly psychopathy.
  • Manipulation and control: Pathocrats use their power to manipulate and control others, often through deceit, coercion, and violence.
  • Oppression and suffering: Pathocracy leads to the oppression and suffering of the majority of the population, as the pathological minority uses its power to maintain its control.
  • Entrenchment and extremism: Pathocracies tend to become entrenched and extreme over time, as the pathological minority becomes more powerful and the moral, empathic, and fair-minded individuals are either ostracized or step aside.

Examples and Consequences

Pathocracy has been observed in various forms throughout history, including totalitarian regimes and corrupt governments. The consequences of pathocracy can be severe, including widespread suffering, oppression, and even genocide.


The by far most extensive, if not exhaustive, four part undressing of Bernie Sanders' record that I'have come across comes to us from the pen of feminist Aphra Benn, at The first part, titled Looking For Bernie, Part 1: Sanders '72 was published on Tuesday, July 14, 2015, merely 2.5 months following Bernie's announcement of his new, DNC appointed task: the sheep-dogging of the self identified "left" of the right wing New Democrat Party into its increasingly threadbare folds. Three additional parts followed in a rapid succession; Looking For Bernie, Part 2: Mr. Sanders Goes To BurlingtonLooking For Bernie, Part 3: Sanders '90Looking For Bernie, Part 4: Turning Right Towards 2016.

Not one of the "prominent" 'alt-media' pundits in Jimmy Dore's Dervish-fast spinning orbit, or anywhere else in the internet space that I am aware of has, to this day, bothered vetting a 'man' whose public persona of a "democratic socialist" is pure unadulterated fiction meant to lend cover to a sociopath and a far right, "more effective evil" political party. A creature with a rich neoliberal, pro regime change, and, hence, a pro aggression, pro war if need be, Zionist pathocrat record.

One of the earliest serious critiques of Bernie came in the form of an article, penned by a Mayor Bernie's fellow resident of Burlington; a disenchantment with Marxism telegraphing, while casting his eyes past Trotskyism towards anarchism, Murray Bookchin, appropriately titled, The Bernie Sanders Paradox: When Socialism Grows Old, from which the closing paragraph:

"THE ULTIMATE EFFECT Of Sanders’ aging form of “socialism” is to facilitate the ease with which business interests can profit from the city. Beyond the dangers of an increasingly centralized civic machinery, one that must eventually be inherited by a “Republicrat” administration, are the extraordinary privileges Sanders has provided to the most predatory enterprises in Burlington — privileges that have been justified by a “socialism” that is committed to “growth,” “planning,” “order,” and a blue-collar “radicalism” that actually yields low-paying jobs and non-union establishments without any regard to the quality of life and environmental well-being of the community at large.

Bernard Sanders could have established an example of a radical municipalism, one rooted in Vermont’s localist tradition of direct democracy, that might have served as a living educational arena for developing an active citizenry and a popular political culture. Whether it was because of a shallow productivist notion of “socialism” oriented around “growth” and “efficiency” or simply personal careerism, the Burlington mayor has been guided by a strategy that sacrifices education to mobilization and democratic principles to pragmatic results. This “managerial radicalism” with its technocratic bias and its corporate concern for expansion is bourgeois to the core — and even brings the authenticity of traditional “socialist” canons into grave question. A recent Burlington Free Press headline which declared: “Sanders Unites with Business on Waterfront” could be taken as a verdict by the local business establishment as a whole that it is not they who have been joining Sanders but Sanders who has joined them. When productivist forms of “socialism” begin to resemble corporate forms of capitalism, it may be well to ask how these inversions occur and whether they are accidental at all. This question is not only one that must concern Sanders and his supporters; it is a matter of grim concern for the American radical community as a whole."

And the third article on the subject of this shameless con-artist extraordinaire comes to us from a Marxist, antiwar activist and educator, another Burlington resident Will Miller titled Bernie the Bomber’s Bad Week published in the socialist The Liberty Union Party's (aka, Green Mountain Peace and Justice Party) paper of record. 

Bernie became an imperialist to get elected in 1990.

In August, 1990–after the Bush administration enticed Iraq into invading Kuwait–Sanders said he wasn’t “going to let some damn war cost him the election,” according to a staff member who was present at the time. So Sanders backed the buildup in the Persian Gulf and dumped on the left anti-imperialist peace movement, singling out his former allies like Dave Dellinger for public criticism.

...Bernie–out of office for the first time in eight years–then went to the Kennedy School at Harvard for six months and came back with a new relationship with the state’s Democrats. The Vermont Democratic Party leadership has allowed no authorized candidate to run against Bernie in 1990 (or since) and in return, Bernie has repeatedly blocked third party building. His closet party, the Democrats, are very worried about a left 3rd party forming in Vermont. In the last two elections, Sanders has prevented Progressives in his machine from running against Howard Dean, our conservative Democratic Governor who was ahead of Gingrich in the attack on welfare.

The unauthorized Democratic candidate in 1990, Delores Sandoval, an African American faculty member at the University of Vermont, was amazed that the official party treated her as a nonperson and Bernie kept outflanking her to her right. She opposed the Gulf build-up, Bernie supported it. She supported decriminalization of drug use and Bernie defended the war on drugs, and so on….. 

All of this information; all of these critical, facts driven insights had been readily available to every single, daily auto-eroticising, self-licking ice cream cone member of the self-identified "radical left" alt-media cohort; a group that could ,similarly to Bruce Dixon's description of Obama as "the more effective evil" be applied to the evil propaganda disseminating and system gatekeeping MSM-adjacent Jimmy Dore-mats.


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