Vetting Pathocracy: "Public Intellectual" Dr. Cornel West

Here's hoping that we can help nail shut that particular megalomaniacal fugck’s embarrassing ego-clown act and take his retinue of sundry love birds and misleaders with him, notably the Jimmy Dore clown show and Jill Stein whose records of dick-riding the neolib-shit Bernie's rise will sink this odious communal narcissist charlatan’s “public intellectual” career well as ding those willfully ignorants whom we find floating like turds in his shallowest of wakes.

The term "communal narcissist," to various degrees, applies to the entire, oligarchy/system sheep-dogging, "alt-media" cohort, here two links describing the features of a communal narcossist:

Examples of statements a communal narcissist might make

Have you been lovebombed by a communal narcissist?

Part 1

  Cornel West, The Maniacal Imperialist Bomber

Cornel West interview on the Clintons and "Race Matters" (1993)

Charlie Rose Show interview with Cornel West on Yugoslavia,1993:

Charlie Rose:

“Should the United States, in some call of justice and morality, and being on the side of all that is good say to the world: we will not stand by and allow this to happen"

Cornel West: 

In Bosnia, yes, yes, should have done it a year ago

Charlie Rose:

 With American military leading the way?

Cornel West:

That’s right. That’s exactly right.

One does not fight HITLER based on national interest. You don’t fight apartheid based on national interest. You fight it on the basis of 1) it being wrong 2) of it destabilizing the region leading toward wider conflict 3) allowing brutes and tyrants to get away with such gross dehumanization…such ugly behavior towards others on all three levels.

And if we had done this about 12 months ago, we could have done this simply with either airstrikes and making symbolic gestures…. At this point (1993) we’re talking about long term investment, we’re talking about American soldiers and so forth, so you’re actually right…200,000, 300,000, some say even half a million…

Charlie Rose:  

Does it sound like Vietnam to you…?


More recently, West tries to square his pathological circular logic:

“In an interview with U.S. attorney Dr. Malik Zulu Shabazz, West, describing Putin as a “gangster", echoed the Kremlin line that Russia launched what it calls a "special military operation" in Ukraine in part due to NATO's expansion in the past couple of decades.

"NATO has expanded [by] 14 countries including some of those countries that were once part of the Soviet Union," he said, but emphasized that this does not give Russia the right to protect its sphere of influence by the use of military force. 

“As we reject vicious Russian imperialism in solidarity with our Ukrainian brothers & sisters, we must still confront the white supremacist & male supremacist face of American fascism at home"   #InternationalWomensDay !  Cornel West, X, Mar 7, 2022

”I don't think that any empire has the right to protect their sphere of influence in the name of self-defense. That's another rationalization of gangster activity," West said. "Every empire, every nation can rationalize mistreating folk, killing, in the name of self-defense. We see it in the Middle East, we see it in different parts of the world.”  -  Jun 06, 2023, News Week 

So, US utmost Responsibility To Protect(R2P) in Yugoslavia, Go,Go,Go Bomb!, but not Russia's Responsibility To Protect the residents of Donbas from American proxy anti-democratic Ukraine…that’s brother West for you, and that is what the vaunted "radical left" Alt-media gatekeepers have been hiding from their followers. And should you dare alert them to reality, they banish you from their comment threads like echt Nazis.

Part 2

  Cornel West's ‘soulmate’ Bill Bradley

In 2000, addressing the neoliberal Clintonista New Dem party's faithful, Cornel West preached before a Faneuil Hall Marketplace crowd of several hundred, pounding on syncopated syllables:

''Let the word go forth from this historic place here and now that Bill Bradley is on the move, he is on the move! And that we are there with him, beside him, around him, because we are fundamentally dedicated to keeping alive the best of the democratic tradition and Bill Bradley is the president who best embodies that, he enacts that, he in fact provides the presidential gravitas necessary to take this nation into the 21st century! Let me say that again: presidential gravitas!''

1) Counterpunch:  

"The Inflation of Dollar Bill Bradley


"It’s one of the marvels of the season that Bill Bradley has been able to muster to his cause such bankable liberal names as Senator Paul Wellstone, Prof. Cornel West, Robert Reich and the editor of The Nation, Katrina van den Heuvel. This passion for Bradley is strange. After all, Bradley is a man who flirted with the idea of running for the presidency in l996 on an independent ticket, with Colin Powell

Lately Al Gore has been tagging Bill Bradley as a free-spending liberal of the kind that the vice president and Bill Clinton have worked so tirelessly to extirpate from the party. There isn’t much substance to the charge. Indeed, on the big issues, trade, labor, defense, crime, health care and the environment, Bradley and Gore are pretty much indistinguishable. Both sedulously follow the neo-liberal line charted by the Democratic Leadership Council back in the late 1980s. In the past Gore has pandered to the right, on issues such as race, crime and tobacco. Bradley’s signals to Wall Street that he’s their man are, even in these lax times, shameless well beyond the point of indelicacy. In the one-paragraph statement on economic policy on the Bradley website, phrases such as “prudent fiscal policy”, “open markets”, “lowest possible tax rates” and “keep capital flowing freely” bow and scrape from every line...."

"Bradley was an ardent backer of Reagan’s covert wars against Afghanistan and Nicaragua. Indeed, he once boasted of being the Democrats’ “manager” of the war against the Sandinistas. We talked to a longtime staffer on the Senate Foreign Relations committee who described Bradley foreign policy ideas this way: “He’s a political manic/depressive. One minute you could picture him going off to build pit toilets in Ghana, the next he’d be wanting to firebomb Managua.”

"Bradley often sounds as though he is reading from the same economic script that the Clintons were spouting at Renaissance weekends back in the early l990s. Here’s Bradley on the international economy: “America is the sole superpower in the world today. That means we have to conduct ourselves in a way hat is commensurate with our values. We have to be sure that we have a strong international economy that takes more and more people to higher ground. I think our challenge for the country is to get more middle class people in the world. And if we had more middle class people in the world, they’d be buying more of our exports. Achieving that means prudent management of international economic policy as well as our domestic economy. The key to our foreign policy is to have the right policy and the right relationship with five countries in the world-that is, Mexico, Japan, China, Russia, and Germany. If we get those big questions right, then the world is going to be a safer place.” Germany’s inclusion on this list has more to do with Bradley’s ever-present German-born wife, Ernestine, than any strategic master planning on his part.

What Bradley hasn’t mentioned much (except for during his forays to Wall Street and Silicon Valley) is that he is a rabid free trader, hawking everything from NAFTA to WTO to the Multilateral Agreement on Investments. He has also been a full-throated supporter of the IMF . When Bradley left the Senate in 1994, saying he thought that “politics was broken”, he didn’t spend his time in monkish reflection. Instead, he landed a spot as vice-chair of JP Morgan’s International Council.

2) Jacobin:

The Democrats Didn’t Just Fail to Defend Social Programs. They Actively Undermined Them.


”…the Atari Democrats [ Gary Hart, Paul Tsongas, Bill Bradley, et al] of the ’70s* they positioned themselves as new through the idea that they weren’t really against the Republicans. They were more against this older style of Democrat. They often used a straw-man version of New Deal liberalism and especially the Great Society as big bureaucratic programs.

They also focused on economic growth as opposed to redistributive solutions. To that end, they actually overemphasized how redistributive the New Deal and especially the Great Society were….

”These politicians had all earned the support of a white suburban base through issue-oriented, reform-minded platforms, and all sought to distance themselves from the “old politics” of the New Deal.”

3) New York Times:

Bradley and Gore Campaigns Split Harvard's Top Black Scholars

By Carey Goldberg

''He[Bradley] really is my brother,'' Dr. West said. ''And this is hard to convey to the public because they think it's about public policy, they think it's about our concerns about race and racism, but most fundamentally, he's my brother and I'm his brother and we relate to each other soul to soul, and it has to do with the kind of person he is."

In what universe does the oligarchy's paper of record gush over a self appointed gangsta’ Marxist revolutionist here to topple the NYT, the media empire and the political class, unless, unless, perhaps… The first line of this one breathlessly frames the good Dr - surely not the rhetorically gaseous Dr. Jekyll - in celestial puffs on a frigidly crystal clear day. One’s left expecting angels and trumpets making their appearance…

Part 3

  Cornel West, A Deep State Agent in Saintly DSA Drag

On Mar 5, 2011 we find Cornel West setting up a limited hangout comparing Gaddafi to CIA's man Mubarek and dehumanizing him in a familiar Bernie’esque manner: 

”Easy to demonize Gaddafi b/c he's been a tyrant for so long."Cornel West

That Gaddafi’s Libya was Africa’s Most Prosperous de facto direct democracy - and thus socialist in nature didn't matter to this Glorias Steinem-trans-clone mouthpiece for empire.

"In 1977 the people of Libya proclaimed the Jamahiriya or “government of the popular masses by themselves and for themselves.” The Jamahiriya was a higher form of direct democracy with ‘the People as President.’ Traditional institutions of government were disbanded and abolished, and power belonged to the people directly through various committees and congresses...."  -  Garikai Chengu,  Foreign Policy Journal, 2013

Revisiting West's concern for the precious migrants...and the children drowning at sea. Integritas! he ssshouts, "Inamorato, music is tomorrow's unknown known life," he proclaims. "I love Tomorrow" he syncopates… and asserts that ’Obama was never the revolutionary Mandela was’


"How can they[Americans] have the arrogance to dictate to us who our friends should be?”

“No country can claim to be the policeman of the world and no state can dictate to another what it should do. Those that yesterday were friends of our enemies have the gall today to tell me not to visit my brother Gaddafi. They are advising us to be ungrateful and forget our friends of the past.” 

In the March of 1998, Bill Clinton (then President of the USA) visited South Africa and got lessons on friendship from the veteran South African statesman. He was told at a news conference, “I have also invited Brother Leader Gaddafi to this country. And I do that because our moral authority dictates that we should not abandon those who helped us in the darkest hour in the history of this country. Not only did the Libyans support us in return, they gave us the resources for us to conduct our struggle, and to win. And those South Africans who have berated me for being loyal to our friends, can literally go and jump into a pool.”

Let us now get to the appallingly dreadful ”untold/unknown” facts* about the Libyan ”tyrant” Muammar Gaddafi’s Libyan Green Book Socialism, 2009:

* There is no electricity bill in Libya; electricity is free for all its citizens.

* There is no interest on loans, banks in Libya are state-owned and loans given to all its citizens at 0% interest by law.

* Home considered a human right in Libya – Gaddafi vowed that his parents would not get a house until everyone in Libya had a home. Gaddafi’s father has died while him, his wife and his mother are still living in a tent.

* All newlyweds in Libya receive 60,000 Dinar (US$50,000) by the government to buy their first apartment so to help start up the family.

* Education and medical treatments are free in Libya. Before Gaddafi only 25% of Libyans were literate. Today the figure is 83%.

* Should Libyans want to take up farming career, they would receive farming land, a farming house, equipments, seeds and livestock to kick-start their farms – all for free.

* If Libyans cannot find the education or medical facilities they need in Libya, the government funds them to go abroad for it – not only free but they get US$2,300/month accommodation and car allowance.

* In Libya, if a Libyan buys a car, the government subsidized 50% of the price.

* The price of petrol in Libya is $0.14 per liter.

* Libya has no external debt and its reserves amount to $150 billion – now frozen globally.

* If a Libyan is unable to get employment after graduation the state would pay the average salary of the profession as if he or she is employed until employment is found.

* A portion of Libyan oil sale is credited directly to the bank accounts of all Libyan citizens.

* A mother who gave birth to a child receive US$5,000

* 40 loaves of bread in Libya costs $ 0.15

* 25% of Libyans have a university degree

* Gaddafi carried out the world’s largest irrigation project, known as the Great Man-Made River project, to make water readily available throughout the desert country. - destroyed by Obama’s led from behind NATO’s forces with Bernie’s and Cornel’s blessings.

And so, what does the radical journalist-cum-clown, Jimmy Dore, have got to say to Cornel West in his "hard-hitting" interview? Do we get to learn from Jimmy that we have us a likely deep state-groomed, pall-bearer suited and radically coiffed communal narcissist with an appalling neoliberal/neocon elites brown-nosing record?  

On YouTube:

RattlesnakeTV (over 500,000 subs):  Jimmy Dore RUTHLESSLY Calls Out Cornel West (Brutally Honest

Of course, the live interview is no longer available, and those edited vids are, well, edited, so paraphrasing Dores closing words inthe exchange "You know I love you Dr. West, I just don't think that your messaging is a ticket to the White House" says it all, IMO:

In Jimmy $$$-spangled ego-tripping world the neoliberal imperialist Zionist conman West is, but for the lousy Messaging, a perfect candidate for Prez!  smh


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