Who Is Jeffrey Sachs?
Who Is Jeffrey Sachs? source: Internationalist Group I - Decimating the Bolivian Working Class “Widely considered to be the leading international economic adviser of his generation” (in the words of his official bio on the Columbia University website), the notorious Dr. Sachs was contracted by hard-line capitalist regimes from Bolivia to Russia . His task: to design an economic “shock treatment” that produced misery and death for untold numbers of working people . Jeffrey Sachs gained notoriety for advocating and implementing what is now called “ neoliberal ” capitalist economics with a vengeance. Following in the footsteps of Milton Friedman’s “Chicago Boys” – who helped the dictator Augusto Pinochet in mid-1970s Chile starve workers and the poor for the greater glory of the “free market” – Sachs first made the spotlight as leader of the “Harvard Boys” who brought shock treatment economics to Bolivia ...